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U.A.E import and export customs contacts information

U.A.E import and export customs contacts information

By visiting this website, users can get the latest updates on UAE customs policies, learn how to declare goods, and inquire about the tariff rates for specific goods. In addition, the Website may contain news and announcements related to customs and international trade.

UAE Federal Customs Authority (FCA) official website:

Official website of the Federal Customs Service:

Abu Dhabi Customs official website,

Dubai Customs official website,

Dubai Ports and Customs official website,

For professionals engaged in the international logistics industry, detailed import and export-related policies and customs contact information can be learned through the UAE Customs website.

Customs contact information such as: local customs address, contact number, email, working hours, etc.

Customs policies such as: what is the tariff of the product, whether the product is allowed to be imported and exported, tariffs and tax rates, customs clearance guidelines, etc.