Booking spaces is free handle services in our company.
Shipping container spaces booking
Booking spaces main informations:
Shipper, consignee, the full company name of Notify Party, address, post code, telephone and fax number, arrival countries needs import tax number, EORI number, RNC number
Port of loading
Port of Discharge/Final Destination.
shipping company, which Ocean Vessel.
China ocean freight which confirmed from shipping confirm or agent. and mark payment address: Shenzhen or Hongkong. USD or RMB
Booking spaces notes:
It must check the content of booking very seriously, everything needs the same as factory's or client's booking. if there are not so clear, confirm from sales.
Booking spaces time usually before closing date about 5 days. If booking spaces in three days before close day, which means loading time are less, must pull shipping company or agent get us SO/spaces as soon as possible, when there are not have spaces, you should tell sales first time! He/She will thing about how to order and booking spaces.
Sometimes will booking spaces from two or over two shipping companies. According to the actual situation use whose SO/booking spaces. General only have little time for urgently load container, sea/ocean freight are the same, we use who give us SO/spaces first. If everything will be the same, now it depends one whose ocean freight is lower and safe.