Confirm accurate loading container time, address, contact person, cargo weight. And mark the other jobs which plan to be done to container truck company, such as: weighing, fumigation, CIQ, take pictures etc.
Make an appointment truck from container truck company: Send SO to container truck company, confirm loading time, address, contact person, cargo weight to they, and than confirm the track charges.
Order from website(Please ask our sales if you want this website) and pay the charges(Yantian and Skekou). Send the information you order to container truck company.
Get the truck license plate, driver's name, mobile phone number, identity card number, container number, seal number from container truck company in the same load day. Send all these informational to factories or clients. Loading the container factory will check whether the same as which we give they. This is very important step.
Weigh the container after loading, it must be done for every Goodhope containers(this is one of our services better than other freight forwarding company). If factory or client ask for weighing container, the weigh charges ask for them or we will add this charges into China ocean freight. Weighing is important step for next step-customs clearance.
Full Load Container Notes
Load exactly time it must need confirming before ordering the truck.
Some adding charges for loading container: General loading more than 6 hours will add charges; waiting one night to load there are RMB600; other charges such as high speed and pick up container from other sea ports.
If urgently going to load container, or there are two or more than two places load, factory warehouse have closing time or rush truck back container to sea port, time and charges need talk with factory and clients, shipping company.
The best time for order truck is before two days, at least need one days. before the Spring Festival need before 6days.
In order to make an appointment truck, we need get SO first, or truck company won't confirm whether there is a truck for you. Especially before Labor Day, National Day, Spring Festival.
Generally you don't need contact with driver directly, some problem contacting with who you give his order. Most of time driver doesn't know you, he only know truck company.