Home >> Taobao Shipping >> Does Taobao Ship Internationally
Taobao is one of the biggest online marketplaces. Infact, it is considered as the Amazon of China. Taobao is used by businesses and sole traders to display their products online, to get more product exposure and sales. Taobao is not only used in China but it is also widely used by the buyers across the globe. Taobao has many product listings for the buyers to select the product which is according to their requirements. Therefore, the buyers can easily select the products of their choice and request the shipment to their country. However, the shipping process is different for the buyers who are living outside China.
The most common question for a non Chinese buyer will be. Does Taobao ship outside China? If yes, than what is the procedure?
Well, the answer to the above question is Yes, Taobao do ship outside China but you will need to use a good Taobao agent for communication, Shipment and payment procedures. The agents should be verified and specialized in dealing the Taobao shipping and payment procedures professionally as recommend by Taobao.
As far as how the agent working procedure is concerned. The agent will contact the vendors and check the quality of your products and consolidate your orders into single shipment procedure. The agent will only charge a nominal commission fee and you can end up in a hassle free and secure transaction. Indeed, hiring an agent will save both your money and time. So, in order to have a smooth and hassle free transactions it is recommended to hire a reliable Taobao agent to make shipments outside China.