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American Samoa Import and Export Taxes and Fees


This article primarily discusses the potential customs duties for goods imported from China to American Samoa, including a possible $0 customs duty threshold, the consideration of local Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Value Added Tax (VAT) in the calculation of import duties, and a uniform tariff rate of 5%.

Standard Tax Threshold:

There may be a specific customs duty threshold for goods imported from China to American Samoa. Some sources indicate that American Samoa may have a $0 customs duty threshold, meaning that all imported goods are subject to import taxes.


The calculation of import duties typically takes into account the local Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Value Added Tax (VAT) and the value of the goods.

Uniform Tariff Rate:

According to a New York travel guide, items acquired in American Samoa, whether carried personally or shipped to the mainland United States, are subject to a uniform tariff rate of 5%.