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Detailed explanation of Antigua customs import and export taxes


Antigua's customs tax policy is relatively complex, and the specific tax rates and regulations will change over time.

Main taxes

Customs Duty: A tax imposed on imported and exported goods. Tax rates vary depending on the type of goods, origin and other factors.

Value Added Tax (VAT): A tax imposed on the value added of goods or services.
Consumption Tax: A tax imposed on certain consumer goods, such as tobacco and alcohol.

Tax rates and thresholds

Tariff rates: Antigua's tariff rates are determined in accordance with the Tariff Act and related agreements. The range of tax rates is wide, ranging from zero tariffs to high tariffs.

VAT rates: Antigua and Barbuda's standard VAT rate is 15%, but the tax rates for certain goods or services may be different.

Consumption tax rates: Consumption tax rates are generally higher, and the specific tax rates depend on the type of goods.

Thresholds: Different taxes have different thresholds. For example, for VAT, there may be a minimum transaction amount to be charged.

Factors affecting

Goods type: Different types of goods are subject to different tax rates.

Country of origin: The origin of the goods affects the tariff rate.

Import quantity: Large imports may enjoy preferential tariff treatment.

Purpose of import: The tax rate will also be different if the import is for personal consumption, commercial use or industrial production.