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Guinea-Bissau Customs Import and Export Taxes

【Import Duty (Droit Fiscal d'Importation - DFI)】:

This is the primary import tax levied on goods brought into Guinea-Bissau. The rate varies depending on the product category, with most goods subject to a flat rate of 10%. However, certain items, such as vehicles, may incur higher tariff rates ranging from 20% to 30%.

【Value Added Tax (VAT - IVA)】:

VAT is applied to imported goods at a standard rate of 18%. This tax is calculated based on the value of the goods, including the import duty.


Additional surcharges may apply to imported goods, such as the EcoTax, which is a tax levied on certain products to support environmental protection efforts.

【Export Duty】:

Export duties are generally not imposed on goods exported from Guinea-Bissau. However, there may be exceptions for certain commodities or raw materials.


Similar to imports, exports may be subject to certain surcharges, such as the EcoTax.

【Standard Tax Threshold】:

Guinea-Bissau has a tax-free threshold for imports. This means that if the total value of your imported goods falls below this threshold, you will not be required to pay import duty or VAT. The current tax-free threshold is set at 5,000 CFA francs (approximately $9 USD).