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Honduras Customs Import and Export Taxes

Tariffs (Aranceles)

Tax rate: rates are determined based on the classification and origin of goods, and the range of rates is wide, ranging from zero tariffs to high tariffs.

Value Added Tax (Impuesto sobre el Valor Agregado, IVA)

Calculation method: added tax is generally calculated as a certain percentage of sales.

Consumption Tax (Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo, ISC)

Tax rate: Consumption tax rates are high and vary with the type of goods.

Tax threshold

Tariffs: There is no unified threshold, and tariffs are usually calculated based on the value or quantity of goods.
Value Added Tax: Generally speaking, the threshold for value added tax is low, but the specific value may vary by region or commodity.
Consumption Tax: The threshold for consumption tax is usually related to the type and quantity of goods.