Comoros customs import and export policy
Summary:This article provides an overview of Comoros' trade policy, highlighting its free trade system and the imposition of high tariffs and licensing for certain goods.
Trade Policy
Comoros implements a free trade system and does not require licenses for the import of general goods. However, high tariffs and licensing are imposed on certain special goods. These goods include alcohol, pork, petroleum and some petrochemical products, and weapons.
Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Quarantine
Comoros' inspection and quarantine system for imported goods is not well-developed and lacks a complete system. Inspection and quarantine technology is backward. The Food Hygiene Inspection and Quarantine Bureau under the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is responsible for the inspection and quarantine of imported food and meat, and the inspection is only a physical inspection of the appearance. The World Trade Organization is helping Comoros to establish an inspection and quarantine system and mechanism.