Burkina Faso Customs Import and Export taxes
Tariff rates are based on the goods' commodity code (HS) code.
Most goods are subject to tariff rates between 0% and 20%.
Some special goods, such as luxury goods and weapons, may be subject to higher tariff rates.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
The standard rate of Value Added Tax (VAT) is 18%.
Some goods, such as food, medicines and books, are subject to lower VAT rates or are exempt from
Excise Tax
Excise taxes apply to certain goods, such as alcohol, tobacco and fuel.
Excise tax rates vary by product.
Tax Threshold
Goods imported from Burkina Faso valued at more than 50,000 West African Francs (XOF) are
subject to tariffs and VAT.
Goods exported from Burkina Faso valued at more than 100,000 XOF are subject to export taxes.
Other Fees
In addition to customs duties, VAT, excise duties and export taxes, importers and exporters may also have to pay other fees such as customs handling fees, storage fees and inspection fees.