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China DHL international courier business become more and more bigger in China. China DHL shipping company is DPDHL work with “China Foreign Trade Transportation (Group)”. DHL use their China local network to collect international courier shipments and other services.
There are many China DHL contact number from google, some are not from China DHL company direct, because China DHL doesn’t have enough people and network pick up shipments. China DHL uses a lot of Chinese freight forwarder pick up shipments, and provide discount DHL price to these agent. First China DHL agent, Second DHL agent.....
But if you have DHL discount account, you need asking supplier call China DHL direct to pick up your shipments, Below are the China DHL contact numbers:
China DHL contact number-customer service hotline: sales007@goodhopefreight.com ;
China DHL contact number-Mobile phone users calling: .
One of China DHL first agent’s contact number
Company name: GoodHope Freight (China) Limited.
China DHL contact number-customer service hotline:Tel: 0086-755-********.
China DHL first agent email contact: quote@gooodhopefreight.com
Note: This Chinese DHL first agent can pick up anywhere in China for you. This Chinese DHL first agent can provide discount China DHL price to you direct. It is lower than your DHL account.