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Price list of FedEx International Express from China to Australia

Shenzhen CN FedEx Rates

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Shenzhen CN FedEx Rates (FCNA - FedEx IE)
Mode of Shipping Special Preferential price of IE from Hong Kong to Australia    Special Preferential price of IP from Hong Kong to Australia
File 0.5-2KG First weight 0.5 170
Continued weight 0.5KG 35
Small package, 0.5-2KG First weight 0.5KG 165.0 208.0
Continued weight 0.5KG 18 18
2.5-10KG First weight 2.5KG 185.0 226.0
Continued weight 0.5KG 19 21
10.5-20.5KG First weight 10.5KG 512.0 580.0
Continued weight 0.5KG 15.5 18
Big Shipment 21-45KG 33 40
46-71KG 30 35
72-100KG 27.5 32
101-300KG 26.5 30.5
301-500KG 26 29.5
501-1000KG 25.5 29.5
1001KG以上 25.5 29.5

Price list of FedEx International Express from China to Australia

There are two modes of shipping for FedEx International Express from China to Australia, one is the FedEx economical express,IE, and the other is the priority delivery express service of FedEx, IP. The price difference between the two modes is not much. The express fee of more than 100 kg and one kilogram is cheaper by RMB 3 than the IE channel.When the weight is more than 100 kg, for the express fee of one kilogram, IP is cheaper than IE channel by three yuan(RMB).

The Price list of FedEx International Express from China to Australia is a special preferential price offered by Goodhope Freight for the Australian market, and the service offered by Hong Kong FedEx. The validity period is tentatively scheduled from December 01, 2024 to February 19, 2024 . If you want to have this special preferential price offer after this time, you need to confirm with us.

For International Express from China to Australia, not only we have FedEx, but also UPS, TNT, EMS, DHL and so on. The Price list of FedEx in diffrent regions, such as Hong Kong FedEx, Guangzhou FedEx, Shanghai FedEx and Shenzhen FedEx, offered by different companies, are different. The Price list above is from Hong Kong FedEx. Compared with other shipping modes, the freight is very advantageous for goods more than 100 kg.

If you send files from China to Australia, it is not recommended to choose even lower freight. The Price list of this shipping mode is already a special preferential price, sometimes the delivery will be affected by various factors and files are more important parcels, so it is better to choose the services of international express companies with guaranteed delivery time.

FedEx can save you more than 30% of freight for commercial and personal express service from China to Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Australia, and Canberra. Sometimes the value of product or sample itself bought from Taobao or JD.com is much higher than the shipping cost, so that people have to find a special price offer, with great discount, of a International Express.

The other precautions of delivery for FedEx International Express from China to Australia are consistent with the Hong Kong FedEx Shipping Instructions.