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FedEx IE Cosmetics International Express Discount Price List

It is about IE cosmetics international express discount price list of FedEx International Express affordable low-cost channel, and cosmetics export Shenzhen primary forwarder.

The name of the goods in the “commercial invoice” is declared as: COSMETIC SET.

IE Cosmetics International Express Discount Price List - Big Goods Heavy Goods Quote
Partition 21-44KG 45-70KG 71-99KG 100-299KG  300-499KG  500-999KG More than 1000KG
1(United States District 1) 39.2  39.8  40.1  40.0  39.2  38.7  38.8 
2(United States District 2) 42.6  43.4  44.1  43.8  43.4  42.8  43.1 
A (Macau) 22.7  22.4  23.0  22.5  21.7  20.5  20.2 
C (Brunei) 53.1  49.0  49.9  49.9  49.9  49.3  49.2 
D (Cambodia, Laos) 37.5  38.7  38.4  37.9  37.1  36.1  36.0 
E (Greece, Portugal, etc.) 57.9  51.9  55.5  55.5  53.8  53.5  53.2 
F (Eastern Europe) 52.7  52.7  53.8  52.9  52.5  51.5  51.2 
G (South America) 67.9  70.6  71.1  69.4  67.8  66.5  66.4 
H (Africa) 110.5  101.1  108.1  107.2  106.8  105.3  104.0 
L (Vietnam) 32.3  30.1  32.1  32.0  32.0  31.4  30.9 
M (Western Europe) 42.6  40.3  41.3  39.7  38.9  38.0  37.3 
N (Canada, Mexico) 46.9  47.2  48.3  47.8  46.7  45.3  45.2 
O (India) 45.3  38.6  38.0  36.7  35.7  35.5  34.5 
P (Japan) 30.9  31.3  31.5  31.1  29.1  27.6  27.1 
Q (Malaysia) 24.8  24.5  25.1  24.7  23.8  22.6  22.2 
R (Thailand) 26.5  26.1  27.0  26.2  24.3  22.9  22.6 
S (Philippines) 23.3  22.8  23.5  22.9  22.2  21.5  21.3 
T (Indonesia) 44.4  45.5  46.3  44.2  43.7  43.7  43.8 
U (Australia) 50.2  49.0  50.2  50.1  50.1  49.8  49.4 
X (Taiwan) 23.4  23.0  23.7  23.2  21.9  20.6  20.3 
Y (Singapore) 24.4  23.9  24.7  24.1  23.3  22.6  22.4 
Z (Korea) 24.9  24.5  25.2  24.7  23.0  21.6  21.2 

For note of delivery, please refer to the "Oversized Item IP Channel Price List".

For IE economic channel price list of small goods, please click to download the complete quotation form: FedEx IE Cosmetics District Quotation Form.

the price of FedEx international ceonomy shipping way per kg cost how much USD / CYN to the U.S.A Canada UK Germany France Italy Spain Australia Japan ......, Sunscreen, repair fluid, foundation, concealer, makeup loose powder, trimming, eyebrow pencil or eyebrow powder, eye shadow, eyeliner or liquid eyeliner, lipstick, blush, mascara; makeup tools, such as: eyebrow trimming tools , False eyelashes, eyelash curler, eyelash glue; facial mask.

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