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Fedex International Economy Cost From China

fedex international economy cost

Fedex International Economy Cost which from Shenzhen Guangzhou Yiwu Shanghai, zhengzhou transit by Hongkong FedEx express company to USA ( Colorado 80000-81699 / Idaho 83200-83999/ Utah 84000-84799/ Arizona 85000-86599/ Nevada 89000-89899/ California 90000-96699/ Oregon 97000-97999/ Washington 98000-99499/) Europe (Ireland / Austria/ Belgium/ Denmark/ Germany/ France/ Netherlands/ Luxembourg/ Monaco/ Norway/ Sweden/ Switzerland/ SanMarino/ Spain/ Canary Islands/ Italy/ United Kingdom/ United Arab Emirates / Egypt/ Pakistan/ Bahrain/ Poland/ CzechRepublic/ Qatar/ Kuwait/ Bangladesh/ SriLanka/ Turkey/ Hungary/ Israel/ Jordan/ SlovakRepublic/) Singapore Malaysia per kg pound.

The cost use from 10/01/2017 to 10/31/2017

Fedex International Economy Cost
 Destination Countries
/Charges weight
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
21-44KG 30.4  52.4  26.6  19.5  19.5 
45-70KG 28.1  51.5  27.2  16.4  16.4 
71-99KG 28.0  51.1  26.7  15.0  15.0 
100-299KG 27.8  52.4  35.7  13.0  13.0 
 300-499KG 34.6  52.5  34.7  13.0  13.0 
 500-999KG 33.6  52.8  34.2  13.0  13.0 
1000KG Over 32.9  53.7  33.8  13.0  13.0 

Fedex International Economy Tracking

Let me show you one real Fedex International Economy (FedEx IE) ways tracking low long time to your door.